Bike Safety Gear : What and where to use it! - Shuman Legal

Bike Safety Gear : What and where to use it!

Last updated Monday, August 2nd, 2021

Bike Safety Gear – Out in the community with Marc Shuman of Shuman Legal®

Here at Shuman Legal®, we like to get engaged in the community and support safe bicycle riding practices. We are here for you when accidents or personal injuries happen; we are also here for you to help you stay safe!

We have partnered with West Town Bikes here in Chicago to create a series on Bicycle safety, this session covers Safety Equipment including toddler safety, and to accompany the video, here is the transcription from Marc’s interview with Eli Faber, their head technician:


00:00 Marc Shuman: Hi, I’m Marc Shuman from Shuman Legal®, and we are at West Town Bikes in Chicago, speaking with Eli Faber, head technician, about bicycle safety and bicycle safety gear. Welcome back, Eli.

00:09 Eli Faber: Thanks.

00:11 MS: So today, we’re going to talk about bike safety equipment. What do you recommend between horns or bells on a bicycle?

00:19 EF: Well, personally, I just use my voice since I don’t want to put anything else on my handlebars to add any extra weight, but if you don’t want to use your voice, there are some loud things that don’t hurt to put on your bike. A bell is a good idea, but horns usually get a little louder.

00:38 MS: Nice. What about bike safety accessories like mirrors? Do you think that mirrors make it safer or riskier for bike riders?

00:46 EF: I personally think mirrors are a little bit distracting. They also stick out a little bit so they can get bumped around by things. I’ve found that a quick glance over the shoulder is usually sufficient enough for a cyclist to tell what’s behind them.

01:00 MS: And if you have a toddler, what is the safest way to take a toddler for a bike ride?

01:05 EF: Well, if you want to ride with your toddler on your own bike, lots of good seats are available on the market to put a toddler seat on the back of your bike. However, if you want to ride next to your toddler, I’d probably recommend buying a toddler bike and finding a nice area, like a quiet bike trail, somewhere that’s conducive to riding with kids.

01:27 MS: What about bike safety gear like a helmet for the toddler?

01:29 EF: I do think toddlers should wear kid bike protective gear like helmets.

01:31 MS: Right. Thank you as always.

01:33 EF: You’re welcome.

There you have it! Some great advice and information that we hope will lead to you having a more enjoyable and safer experience on your bike!

If you find yourself in an accident, we are here for you. As experienced personal injury attorneys well acquainted with Illinois Bicycle laws, our attorneys can help you evaluate the facts, assess your options, navigate the legal challenges, and advocate on your behalf. Call us at 800.722.9744 today to receive a FREE consultation with the team at the Law Offices of Shuman Legal®!

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